Colegiul Național "Ion Neculce"


Curbing Young Bullies by Enhancing Rules and Skills
Here is the list of the students admitted into the mobility part of the project.
Before each travel, meetings between students, parents and their teachers will be organized, in order to align the details.
The CYBERS Project is performing a selection of a target group of 40 students from the classes  IXa G, a Xa G, a XIa G, a XIIa G. In order to be eligible to participate in this selection for the mobility/travel part of this project in Italy, Portugal, Poland and Spain, you must read the information contained in the following PDF file,  complete the form at the end of it and provide all the other necessary information requested to your designated teacher.
Here is a wholesome poster-presentation of the Project Cybers, lead by Cristina Pagani as Project Manager
Also, below you can find two video clips from the project launch meeting, with all parties involved present in it.
Here are some project poster/flyer suggestions and a video animation that our students have submitted:
The CYBERS Project official launch date is the 17th of December 2020. Here below you can find the Agenda for the students’ sections, the Main Agenda of the project and a short presentation video.
The Facebook logo contest within the CYBERS Project has gone underway and the main proposals have been selected. Here are some of the great work done by our students:
The CYBERS Kickoff Meeting took place on the 28th of October 2020, via Google Meet platform. Here is the poster of the event below, while for the minute of the meeting, please
CYBERS partnership acronym for Curbing Young Bullies by Enhancing Rules and Skills aims at  implementing new strategies and learning tools to embrace a target group lifestyle, students aged  13-17. They are Millennials, who build on an online social identity before experiencing their daily,  real, social life.
Smartphones and tablets have expanded the space-time coordinates of the web, also providing  digital natives with access to the web „anywhere, anytime”. Most of them are unaware of surfing in  a World Wide Web, which hides a darker side by providing some inappropriate information and  becoming vulnerable to exploitation
CYBERS has been designed in an attempt to enhance Digital Civility, Information Literacy, Digital  Literacy, indispensable to fight against Web risks and the absence of parental monitoring. CYBERS meets Millenials needs in terms of:

digital skills and attitude which are considered necessary for active European citizenship Indispensable e-Safety skills to fight against the virtual traps of haters, cyberbullying, sexting,  Negative User Generated Content NUGC and fake news.

The European Schools of Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, join forces to increase Key  Competences for the 21st century and transversal skills equally important in our knowledge-based  and fast-evolving society.
Partnership Horizontal and School priorities are demanded by Digital EU report about target  groups, aged 13-17and „Doxa Kids e EU Kids Online” survey on web risks. Evidences are alarming. ICT skills: only 39% is able to change the privacy of profile; the 56% can check the App costs Information literacy: 72% has skills to manage critically online info

Creative skills: 48% can create/modify videos or App

49% are online alone for more than 88 min. per day

13% has been bullied online, 19% witnessed cyberbullying episodes

51% was exposed to NUGC

Main Objectives:

1 Promoting inclusiveness, conscious and skilled growth through the exchange of best practices on  the risks and strengths of the WEB

2 Increasing Millenials skills in Digital Civility, Digital Literacy and Information Literacy Education  The specific objectives of each learning area are:


1 Fostering an inclusive European Digital Citizenship

2 Increasing the use of the REP method_ Respect, Education, Protection_ as a tool to challenge  Millenials.

3 Learning Debate method to develop critical thinking and public speaking skills


1 Encouraging students to pursue careers in STEM and European ICT Professional Profiles  2 Increasing the ethical use of technology with the respect of the Digital law rules  3 Enhancing advanced digital skills development as a boost factor in employability for students

1 Increasing the ability to organize and use online information
2 Increasing students skill to identify and locate appropriate information sources and evaluate its  quality
The project will involve at least 400 hundred direct and indirect participants, who bring together  expertise to work on today’s school major tasks. Teaching students-Millennials aged 14-17- to  recognize and develop their potential as individuals and build up the right set of attitudes in  teamworking.
The students LTTA mobilize specific key competencies defined by European Skills Agenda: digital  content creation; protecting personal data/privacy and health/well-being; foreign language skills,  reducing social isolation, in-school conduct problems and aggressive behavior. The teachers LTTA aim to train the team on video and app creation and increase digital skills; they  design integrated learning activities.
Students act on:
1 Digital Literacy: Critical thinkers become video-makers
2 Digital Civility: Debating to build a culture of Digital Civility
3 Web Detectives: fake or not fake, this is the question
4 Be polite online: it’s catchy, others will follow you!
5 Netiquette: the European Millennials protocol

Students will achieve tangible results:

  • “CYBERS LOGO” social network contest
  • Interactive Mapping
  • Digital content creation
  • Video Report „Building a Culture of Digital Civility”
  • Web tutorial: fake news or not? This is the question
  • Digital Kindness Icon, posters, slogans
  • Netiquette: the European Millennials protocol
  • Netiquette Schools Road Map
  • Outcome
  • Increased social inclusion
  • Fostering European citizenship
  • Enhanced teamwork skills and collaboration
Moreover, CYBERS’ activities mobilize core soft skills like self-awareness and responsible decision making, creating a community of best practices where students and teachers learn from one  another through project-based tasks.
It’s our duty to make students responsible digital EUROPEAN citizens !

Colegiul Național ,,Ion Neculce”: Str. Ion Neculce, nr. 2, Sector 1, București.
Mijloace de transport în comun
Autobuze: 182, 282, 381
Tramvai: 1/10 stația Primăria sectorului 1
Troleibuz: 87 staţia Metrou Basarab
Metrou: Stația Basarab, magistralele 1 și 3, Staţia Piaţa Victoriei, mag. 1 şi 2
Program de lucru: Luni-Joi  8.00-16.00 Vineri 8.00-14.00
PROGRAM CU PUBLICUL (ELEVI): LUNI – JOI  12:00 – 14:30                              PROGRAM CU PUBLICUL (PĂRINȚI): MARȚI  16:00 – 18:00
                                                              JOI  08:00 – 09:00

Telefon secretariat: 021 222 41 45

Copyright © 2024 Colegiul Național Ion Neculce
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